Ed Scissor & Lamplighter new album our 15 July 2016

Album release: 'Tell Them It’s Winter' by Ed Scissor & Lamplighter
Release date: 15 July 2016
Label: High Focus Records
More info: Label website

Ed Scissor’s new LP 'Tell Them It’s Winter' ruminates over life and love. The LP settles on the notion that every human being is on the hunt for the same thing. 

A key player in the Brit rap renaissance, renowned live performer, acclaimed wordsmith and expert storyteller, Ed Scissor’s development tessellates strongly with his ever-blossoming relationship with Glasgow-based producer Lamplighter. The pair have developed into one of the go-to partnerships in the alt-rap soundscape ever since their debut 'Better.Luck.Next.Life' was released to critical acclaim back in 2012 (even though they rarely find themselves in the same room as one another). 

Fast forward four years and the duo’s nu-classical compositions are wiser and more profound than ever before. The camaraderie grows more expansive and ear-opening with every song; the music is rich, expansive and rewarding at every turn. 

Lamplighter squeezes life's emotional and existential essence into a box marked ‘hip hop’ before it bleeds back out, leaving a trail of nihilistic retro-futurism and romance. His music makes friends of techno, modern classical composition and synth-led film scores before reducing them down to a solitary minimalistic entity. The result is a window into the way he sees the world - past, present and future. 

Scissor writes lyrics that extend beyond the realms of reality into a strange left field. It feels like an alternate reality in his head, fuelled by a heady mix of fantasy and reality, umbrella’d under a now customary gothic shroud. 

‘Tell Them It’s Winter’ is the next (and quite possibly final) instalment and both Ed Scissor and Lamplighter are super excited for you to hear it. 


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