Mike Tyler: Money Grows On Your Knees

Single release: Money Grows On Your Knees by Mike Tyler
Release date: 16 April 2013
Label: The Art Can Not Be Damaged
Listen: on official site 

Out April 16th on The Art Can Not Be Damaged

‘It’s worth forgiving this gratuitous double entendre. There’s something of Lou Reed’s deadpan style and the flippancy of Jonathan Richman.’ – Bloomberg, 4/5 

From the album Erection, that sparked euphemistic reviews across a wide variety of the press - from indie tastemakers, to global news networks to porn mags - Mike Tyler presents the new single Money Grows On Your Knees featuring brand new B-side Corny Song

Mike Tyler is a poet and musician from the New York City tradition of Lou Reed, mentored in a bar by the American poet Delmore Schwartz, Patti Smith and Tom Verlaine of Television. All of Mike’s tracks are produced by BL’EVE – an artist with a scope of production ranging from artists like Wyclef Jean to Maino.

“I believe the sound of popular music is the sound of mutts barking; frictions, and strange conglomerations, mistaken identifications, and odd-ball pairings. Not Yin and Yang but Wham and Bam!” explains the man himself in that inimitably quirky way that earned him a running guest column for the 405.  

Stand out moments of Mike Tyler’s career were catalysed by his way with words. Banksy stencilled his words “only the ridiculous survive” outside of London’s Paddington Station, while Beck fell under his charismatic spell when honing his song writing craft. He became known as The Most Dangerous Poet in America after breaking his arm during a reading, and his poem “The Most Beautiful Word in the American Language” is on people’s Facebook walls, MySpace pages, and blogs, not to mention fridge doors.

On his new offering, Tyler says:

"My new single is such a lopsided seductive beast. Deep deep bass with a pop frosting and a growling lead yawp. It can be kind of sweet in places and then a dungeon-door-slamming-echoed-thud takes over; a contradiction in tones. It's the boiled pot of the gumbo stew of black and white that is America; greed and innocence, joy and exhausted hustle. Might explain why we decided the packaging of the single would include an actual puzzle.

The B-side Corny Song I wrote when I came back from London where we had a great reception for my album Erection, and the first single, Stuttering Song II. We did a gig at a space that at the same time had a show up of classic sex-film posters. Um, yeah! It felt "corny" how right everything went and great the night played. How the UK crowd seemed to understand what we were doing; even though it must have seemed well, different. Sometimes even a New Yorker, used to the hassling vibe of the dirty uphill climb, can accept something going just about perfectly. How corny!”

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