Cardinals featured in The Independent’s Ones To Watch 2024
Cardinals | Photo Credit: Emilyn Cardona
“Standing apart from their Irish post-punk peers (while earning their admiration at the same time) are the Cork-formed six-piece Cardinals. Fronted by Euan Manning, they conjure a sound that nods to Eighties indie, celtic shoegaze and goth-glam. Single “Roseland”, inspired by Manning’s desire to write a folk song about his hometown, is all muddy guitars and the singer’s weary, Lou Reed huff: “I went down to MacCurtain Street Station/ Where I first said my last goodbye/ If love was there, it was thin in the air/ It only came here to die.” They’ve only got a few (excellent) songs to their name so far, but a new EP is on the way.”
Roisin O'Connor, The Independent